Rapt is operated under the supervision of Angelo Ferrara, a seasoned businessman with advanced degrees in engineering and business administration, who has taught engineering and business courses at the graduate school level and brings over 40 years of business experience to his engagements. Previously, he started a manufacturing business from himself operating out of a small building (2,000 square feet) to a business employing nearly 100, operating out of a 20,000 square foot facility. He has been a small business owner and appreciates the personal investment and involvement required to operate a small business.

Under his guidance, Rapt employs an engineering, analytical approach to our engagements. While a criticism often leveled at technical people is that they are too “precise” and issues are viewed as black & white decisions, the reality is that when combined with business acumen, a technical approach to business problems is invaluable. It is generally accepted that the best decisions are reached after a careful analysis based on measurable metrics and reasonable assumptions to evaluate the likelihood of various outcomes. While it’s difficult to predict the future, this methodology provides the best blueprint for success.
This methodology requires a systems analyst’s approach to address decision making; requires that you approach problems methodically, break down the required steps to complete a process, react unemotionally to unexpected occurrences and an awareness that skipping steps can lead to undesired results.
We have successfully used this methodology to identify and address potential issues before they become deal breakers.
While we believe that it is best to analyze and address issues, we appreciate that that the desired outcome will require more than a process, but creativity, persistence and hard work, and, we are willing to put in the effort to achieve the desired goal.
Isn’t that what’s required to sell your business? To be able to organize a systematic process, anticipate events, react to unexpected events and a dogged persistence to complete the sale.